Oktoberfest Rally

Hannah Paveley (Birmingham Universities Scouts And Guides)

Monday 27th of November 2023

Back in November 2023, BUSAG and friends hosted Oktoberfest Rally.

After less than a year of prepping, Oktoberfest Rally quickly arrived 24th to 26th November at Blackwell Adventures. In the run-up to the weekend, committee printed signs, lanyards, went shopping and finally removed all the national event kit from their respective houses. It was a busy week especially with university deadlines and coursework due but we all successfully arrived on site.

 Like most rallies, Friday was nice and chill. We had a sign-in desk, a "wunderBAR" and a campfire. The highlight of Friday was Currywurst for dinner and the classic quiz including a round on “German swear word or city”.

 Saturday was an early, cold morning for many, but we filled up on full English breakfasts before heading off to our activities. Many SSAGOers headed into Birmingham to visit the Christmas Markets, complete a monopoly run, play minigolf, explore the canals, geo-cache and visit the Think Tank. SSAGO enjoyed heading to Cadbury World for much free chocolate and the Cadabra Chuckle Bean Ride. Others headed to Bear Grylls Adventure to take to the skies with high ropes, practise their aim with axe throwing, and climbing. There was also a group of SSAGOers who enjoyed a hike around the Lickey Hills and headed to a local pub before returning back for dinner. 

Saturday evening was another cold night but before many settled to bed, we enjoyed a ceilidh and a campfire. Dinner was a choice of roast dinner or Brummie Balti which everyone loved, and toasties as a midnight snack. 

Sunday morning was a slower start, with reps hosted in the committee room around the lovely wood fire and a delivery of breakfast rolls. Sunday activities included pyrography, a stein-holding competition and lemon jousting. We then had the closing ceremony, award and forfeits before packing down the site. 

Thank you to everyone who made this rally and helped us during the event. Special mentions to Asher (KSWP), Ariel Catering, 95th St. Peters, Rea Valley District Scouts, Trefoil House, Chris (Blackwell Team), and of course our wunderbar committee.